Articles by Year: La Folia, 2005.

The Weiss Resurgence: 3 World Premieres
Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1746), a contemporary of Bach, Handel and the Scarlattis, is fast becoming known outside lute and Baroque-aficionado circles.

The Weiss Resurgence: 3 World Premieres
Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1746), a contemporary of Bach, Handel and the Scarlattis, is fast becoming known outside lute and Baroque-aficionado circles.

A Requiem Done Right
A new recording of Pierre de la Rue’s Requiem is for me an event.

Netherlands Winds and Friends
A few months ago, two delicious surprises appeared in my mailbox, both leading to other discoveries. I had never heard the impeccable Netherlands Wind Ensemble, despite their varied Chandos releases…

Netherlands Winds and Friends
A few months ago, two delicious surprises appeared in my mailbox, both leading to other discoveries. I had never heard the impeccable Netherlands Wind Ensemble, despite their varied Chandos releases…

Two Recent Requiems
Requiem for Larissa doesn’t really conclude. It recycles, gently rummaging through Silvestrov’s portmanteau of Romantic gestures and remembrances.

Two Recent Requiems
Requiem for Larissa doesn’t really conclude. It recycles, gently rummaging through Silvestrov’s portmanteau of Romantic gestures and remembrances.

Seven Poems on Music
“close your eyes to see colors
the hush of quiet space”

A Bowl of Naxos
This may very well be the best recording of Schoenberg’s Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra.

A Bowl of Naxos
This may very well be the best recording of Schoenberg’s Concerto for String Quartet and Orchestra.

Remembering Arthur Berger
Composer, critic and teacher, Arthur Berger passed away on October 7, 2003 at 92.

Remembering Arthur Berger
Composer, critic and teacher, Arthur Berger passed away on October 7, 2003 at 92.

A Jazz Club in Brno
Last night I was invited to a jazz club by an acquaintance, a Canadian lady with an ailing Czech husband.

A Jazz Club in Brno
Last night I was invited to a jazz club by an acquaintance, a Canadian lady with an ailing Czech husband.

Lionel Sawkins vs. Hyperion Records Limited
We present two sides of a particularly compelling legal case currently winding its way through British appeal courts.

Lionel Sawkins vs. Hyperion Records Limited
We present two sides of a particularly compelling legal case currently winding its way through British appeal courts.

Dipping into the “EA” Bucket 2.
But this is choral music! Nevertheless, these four works reflect an electronic-music sensibility, and several require click tracks and tuners via headphones for their realization.

Dipping into the “EA” Bucket 2.
But this is choral music! Nevertheless, these four works reflect an electronic-music sensibility, and several require click tracks and tuners via headphones for their realization.