Articles tagged 'Smolka'
Ramble with Hair Dryers, Crumbs and Puccini’s Rifle
In Lanza and Valle’s four-part opus, toys, kitchen gadgets and broken machines combine with non-standard instrumental sounds.
February 3, 2022
Ramble with Hair Dryers, Crumbs and Puccini’s Rifle
In Lanza and Valle’s four-part opus, toys, kitchen gadgets and broken machines combine with non-standard instrumental sounds.
February 3, 2022
Eötvös, Vidovszky, Szollosy: Hungarian Holiday 1.
I have been meaning to tackle some Hungarian composers and a few colorful Budapest Music Center releases for quite some time, even before Ligeti’s passing (June 12, 2006) made the stack shift ever so slightly.
April 23, 2009
Eötvös, Vidovszky, Szollosy: Hungarian Holiday 1.
I have been meaning to tackle some Hungarian composers and a few colorful Budapest Music Center releases for quite some time, even before Ligeti’s passing (June 12, 2006) made the stack shift ever so slightly.
April 23, 2009